Development Tools downloads - Hotspot Builder by Divcom Software and many more programs are available. Run it and click Hotspot to build a Hotspot with your phone.

This way, the iPhone acts as a wireless router for your computer and other devices. Personal Hotspot allows your iPhone to tether and share a cellular data connection with other devices nearby via WiFi, Bluetooth or USB. If your iPhone has a 3G or 4G data connection, you can share your internet connection using the Personal Hotspot network sharing tool, and go online.
#Using usb jotspot on windows 7 how to
How To Connect Your Computer To An iPhone Mobile Hotspot If yours is one of them, enable that setting. Type the following in the window, netsh wlan set hostednetwork modeallow ssidwifiname keypassword ADVERTISEMENT Replace wifiname with a name that you want to assign to your network. Open a Command Prompt window with administrator rights. Some phones have a setting that turns off the hotspot when it’s not in use, or when no devices are connected. How to set up a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot in Windows 7 or above without any software 1.
#Using usb jotspot on windows 7 install
Note: Tethering your computer to your smartphone can drain the phone’s battery, so make sure both devices are plugged into a power outlet while tethering, and turn off the connections once you’re done. Step By Step Guide To Install Free USB Tethering using BlueStacks Google Play Store comes pre-installed in Bluestacks. How To Share Internet From PC To Android via WiFi Hotspot or USB cable.If you have a Windows PC at home which has a highspeed broadband internet connection.