Once this weapon hits 30, it is recommended to sell it and pick up something new. The MK1 has a high magazine size at 60 rounds and higher accuracy to help make up for its lower base Damage. The MK1-Braton has low stats, given it’s a starting weapon, and deals primarily Slash Damage. Steady Hands is a must if one plans to utilize the Cestra’s high base accuracy effectively. While having good base accuracy, the Cestra has significant recoil that scatters its shots, making it ineffective for long range shooting. A second Broken Scepter will not be given on a replay.
However, bear in mind Redeemer Prime doesn’t work well on Arctic Eximus, has a slow attack speed and only performs well with a Status Chance for guaranteed status proc.Ī built Broken Scepter is given on completion of The War Within, complete with a free weapon slot and a pre-installed Orokin Catalyst. Redeemer Prime is worth getting because it can deliver a lot of damage in attacks and can be applied to various builds. Remember that there is nothing wrong with the car, is all about what kind of gas he’s putting into it. War is a heavy blade, and broken war is a sort sword. Its really all depends on your play style. 1 (), the Drakgoon used Rifle Ammunition instead of Shotgun Ammunition. This is the first shotgun to gain a Charge feature. Players must reach Mastery Rank 8 or higher to acquire the Secura Lecta, either by trading or through the Syndicates themselves. The Bo’s blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Alternatively, it can be acquired from completing the Ceres to Jupiter Junction. The Amphis’s blueprint can be purchased from the Market. It deals a whopping 248 damage a swing, has a 26% chance to critically hit with a 2.2x multiplier, and it has a 30% status chance per swing. The Pangolin Prime is unquestionably the best sword in Warframe. What is the best heavy weapon in Warframe? 18 What's the best KUVA weapon? What mastery rank is Amphis?